When there was no mode of transportation, legs were the only means of traveling. From that time till now, lots of things have changed but the best and natural means of traveling are still our legs. Most of the activities are incomplete without them and the mostly used things are the most suffered ones. Hence, experiencing pain and tightness in legs is a quite common phenomenon. Leg tightness can also be denoted as leg cramps, spasm, contractions, etc. It is usually experienced in the lower part of the legs which includes calf muscles and feet. These muscles are used while walking, running and even while sitting. The pain lasts only for few minutes or 1-2 days and is very mild.
What Causes Legs Tightness?
Legs and feet tightness is very commonly observed and is caused due to many reasons. Following are some of them.
Inadequate blood supply to the legs can result in tightness.
Heavy exercise or any other physical activity which is not in the routine can trigger pain and tightness in muscles.
Improper hydration and electrolytic imbalance are one of the major cause of tightness hence, it is very important to maintain proper fluid intake.
Overuse of the leg muscles and fatigue.
Sudden rise in the runner's speed can also result in the leg tightness.
Leg tightness can also be experienced during pregnancy. The reasons are not certain but leg pain during pregnancy is a very common thing.
Improper diet, which lacks in potassium, magnesium, calcium may also cause tightness and pain in legs.
There are many other medical conditions that can cause tightness like thyroid problems, kidney damage, diabetes, etc.
Intake of drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. also contribute a lot to tightness in feet and legs.
Sitting at one place for a long period of time. This is usually experienced by the office going people who have to sit and work for a prolonged period of time.
Sometimes, stress can also be a reason behind tightness of muscles. Stress may not be directly related to it but can indirectly result in leg tightness or similar condition.
How to Get Relief from Legs Tightness?
Leg tightness is usually not a serious problem but it may cause you discomfort and pain which can affect your daily routine. Following are some of the simple ways to get relief from muscle tightness.
One of the best way to get relief from leg tightness are leg exercises like hamstring, calf stretches, quadriceps strengthening exercises and other stretching exercises.
Leg massage can also relieve you from the pain. One can go to a professional massage therapist and get a pain relieving massage.
Proper warm-up is required before any rigorous exercises or physical activity which should include stretching.
Keep hydrating your body by drinking plenty of water. Drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water daily.
Try to include proper minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium in your diet.
If you have to sit at one place for a prolonged period of time, then take small breaks in between and just take a walk. This will maintain a proper blood circulation and will reduce the chances of getting cramps and muscle tightness.
Keep your body muscles warm during the cold season as cold climate can make you more susceptible of getting muscle cramps.
Avoid wearing high heels and try to wear comfortable shoes with socks.
Soaking in a warm bathtub can relieve leg pain and can also behave as a good stress buster.
Leg tightness or cramps when walking or sitting or doing any other activities can be relieved if you follow the above given suggestions. If you face this problem for more than one week or observe chronic leg pain, redness, swelling or tenderness in legs then consult a doctor immediately. Improve your lifestyle and try to avoid stress. Take care of your legs as they are one of the best gift of God and the best medium for you to travel.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/tightness-in-legs.html
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