Sunday, November 9, 2014

Satyamev Jayate Amir Khan's Show 'A Real Man '

Watch Full Episode of Amir Khan's "A REAL MAN" On Satyamev Jayate

I salute Amir Khan who has portrayed the real picture of husband wife relation, supremacy of man and how man treat woman and girl child.

I am very much happy that you have exposed the reality of film because it is film which influence large section of boy and girl and if they serve dirty culture , it spreads in entire society

Amir Khan use to present family and social issues in very much attractive and motivating way and today he has exposed how film damages family and social culture through episode namely A Real Man. I hope quality of Film will improve now and similarly attitude and approach of boy and girl , man and woman and finally relation between them  will change for better

I always used to say that film has a greater role to make or mar the society. Unfortunately majority of film produced in India mostly serve dirty materials. And it is undeniably true that if they change, society will change to a great extent.

After telecast of Today's show, I hope film directors, producers, actors and actress , all will change their idea and make good family films. Hitherto it was the impression in all of them that film produced by them may flop if they do not include some item song, some scenes of rape or some violence etc. Now after Amir's show, some change for improvement will take place.

It is worthwhile to mention here that even if Parent give perfect education and inculcate good culture in children, it used to be film which sometimes contributed in making child bad because film has greater impact on children. It is film which has a greater influencing power than that of parent. As long as child is in control of parent , he or she may remain pure, but when the same child enters into society, interacts with friends and visit films frequently, the pollution of mind and change in approach and attitude of child starts taking place. And willingly or unwillingly one has to come out of parent control and taste the colour of the society.

If film producers and directors understand the importance of film for building a good society and for better family life, I think they can play best role to stop crime on girl in particular and to stop crime in the society in general. They should therefore stop serving woman as commodity . It is woman who is and who should be worshipped as God and hence portraying them in dirty postures and making dirty posters of them to increase  popularity of film and to make more and more money must be stopped . Today's show of Amir Khan in Satyamev Jayante will help in changing the trend to a great extent. I am most confident that slowly and gradually quality of film will improve and that of posters , advertisements ,TV shows will also improve for better and peaceful society .

Parent will treat boy and girl child equally and stop teaching and treating  them in different way. Discrimination in family will end. Approach and attitude of man towards woman will change .Husband and wife will live together and give respect to each other. They will remain on same platform and work together as if they are really meant for each other. 

And if the change occurs even to some extent , it will be a token of success of the episode named A Real Man. To enhance the scope of success , it is my request to Government to arrange for showing this episode in each and every college and if possible in high schools too. This show in the long run will help in changing the culture from root.


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