Friday, February 24, 2017

Excess Of Using Microwave Oven May Affect Health

Precautions on how to use a microwave oven.--Please read first before use. 
(I have collected following information using Google search and submitted before you for creating awareness. You may verify the correctness of information and if you are satisfied with it , then use the advice and keep yourself safe and avoid health hazards caused by excessive use of such ovens)

Step 1 - Check if the utensils are suitable for use in the microwave oven.
Step 2 - Please confirm the wattage of the microwave oven and if the food is suitable for heating in the microwave oven.
Step 3 - Read carefully the food package heating instructions. If not very clear, use a shorter time and heat the food in several stages.
Step 4 - Do not leave the food unattended while heating to avoid charring the food due to overheating or dangers due to bursts.
Step 5 - Please take note of the high temperature and the steam when removing the food from the microwave oven to avoid being scalded.

  • Do not leave the microwave oven unattended while in use.
  • For small amounts of food and dry food, do not prolong the heating. If unsure of the heating time, please shorten the heating time and do it in several stages.
  • Do not cook eggs with shell or whole cooked eggs to avoid bursting while cooking.
  • Do not put sealed cans or bottles of food in the microwave oven. When the pressure increases, the cans or bottles may explode.
  • Do not reheat beverages (like water), because microwave reheating can cause delayed splashing and boiling, easily leading to scalding.
  • Do not fry food.
  • Do not put dry cloth, newspaper, or other paper products in the microwave oven for heating, as it may cause a fire.
  • Open sealed food packaging bag and transfer the contents into another container for proper heating.
  • Do not use metal utensils (including with gold or silver edge utensils, tin foil or aluminum paper packages, stainless steel utensils, etc.), wood, bamboo, paper containers, poor heat-resistant plastic containers and general glass containers.
  • Please check before using the utensil if it is suitable for use in a microwave oven. Use heat-resistant glass containers, ceramics, and heat-resistant plastic containers (If the food ingredients contain a high proportion of oil, do not heat in the microwave oven).
  • When using plastic wrap or cooking with a cover, please provide a vent hole and open carefully after cooking to avoid steam burns.
  • Do not place flammable items in the microwave oven, on the sides or on top of the oven to avoid causing a fire.
  • Do not use or operate the microwave oven if there are no food items inside the oven.
  • Do not operate the microwave oven if it is damaged or does not operate properly. It is imperative that the oven door seals properly and that there is no damage to the door seal, hinges, latches or oven surfaces.

Ovens used for food preparation must be cleaned on a regular basis to prevent biological contamination, fire, and door seal damage.
Ovens used for laboratory applications cannot be used for food preparation. Conversely, food preparation ovens should never be used for other applications.
Do not use aluminum foil or any metal containers, metal utensils, metal objects, or objects with metal or foil trim in the oven. They can cause arcing, damaging the oven and creating a fire or burn hazard.
Do not heat objects that are sealed as they may explode, damaging the oven and blowing off the door.
Never heat flammable or combustible liquid in the oven. A fire and/or explosion may result.
Be careful when removing containers from the microwave oven. Containers or their contents may be very hot, resulting in burns or spills of hot materials. Containers have been known to explode after tightening the lid following removal from a microwave oven.
Never make adjustments to, or tamper with, components of the oven. Do not try to perform repairs. The oven operates on high voltage and amperage that can be lethal if improperly handled.

Microwave Ovens – Hazards, Precautions and Safety Measures--Written by by Jennshah on December 8, 2007 in Health, Technology-

We use microwaves for reheating, heating water for tea, sometimes, popcorn, rice, baked potatoes, melting chocolate, softening butter, margarine, or cream cheese, frozen dinners or other things (chicken nuggets or patties), cooking frozen veggies for dinner, and making instant oatmeal for breakfast, this list doesn’t end here, we have found shortcuts for everything using ovens in place of stoves is getting popular and why not this method is even more easy and quick and that too without much mess…I would be lost without my microwave! But this is only one side story, despite the fact that we love using microwaves the hazards of using microwaves must also be in out knowledge.

Microwaves, like visible light, are a part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. They are extremely high frequency radio waves. As the frequency of radiation increases, its wavelength decreases, so very high frequencies correspond to very short wavelengths; hence the name microwaves. Infrared radiation, ultraviolet light and X-rays are also electromagnetic radiations, but have even shorter wavelengths than microwaves.
Microwaves may either be reflected, transmitted or absorbed by matter in their path. Metallic materials totally reflect microwaves. Most non-metallic materials such as glass and plastics are partially transparent to microwaves. Material containing moisture, such as food and even people, absorbs microwave energy. If energy is absorbed at a rate greater than the rate at which the material looses energy (ie. rate of cooling), its temperature will increase.

Hazards of Microwave Oven

1. Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term, permanent, brain damage by “shorting out” electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].
2. The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in micro-waved food.
3. Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating micro-waved foods.
4. The effects of micro-waved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.
5. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all micro-waved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.
6. The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in a microwave oven.
7. Micro-waved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This has been a primary contributor to the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in the United States.
8. The prolonged eating of micro-waved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.
9. Continual ingestion of micro-waved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.
10. Eating micro-waved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.

Precautions for radiation safety in the use of Microwave Ovens:
• Never tamper with or inactivate the interlocking devices.
• Never use the oven without the trays provided by the manufacturer unless specifically allowed in the manufacturer’s instructions.
 Never operate the oven without a load (ie. an absorbing material such as food or water) in the oven cavity unless specifically allowed in the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Clean the oven cavity, the door and seals with water and a mild detergent at regular intervals (do not use abrasive cleaning pads).

Cooking Containers and Foils:
Plastic containers considered suitable for holding foods at room temperature may not necessarily be suitable for use in a microwave oven. The high cooking temperatures may cause the plastic’s chemistry to break down and thereby contaminate food in the container. Since it is difficult to determine the composition of plastic from its appearance, it is recommended that plastic containers or films not be used in a microwave oven unless specifically designated for such use.

Most ceramics, glass-ceramics, some plastics and papers are satisfactory for microwave oven use. Dishes with metallic glazes should not be used. If fast food foil containers and aluminium foil are used, the oven manufacturer’s directions should be carefully followed. Do not let fast food foil containers or aluminum foil touch the sides of the oven as this may cause sparking.

Safety Measures:
• It is sometimes possible to super-heat some liquids or foods beyond their natural boiling point. Such super heated liquids may boil suddenly and violently when jolted or stirred after removal from the oven – it is therefore a good idea to take precautions such as covering the food or liquid or allowing it cool before removal from the oven.

• When thawing frozen foods in the microwave oven it is important to thaw the food thoroughly before cooking.
• Do not use microwave ovens for sterilizing baby bottles or other food utensils.
• Ensure that all food prepared in a microwave oven is stirred and/or left to stand for a few minutes before consuming. In particular, care must be exercised when heating a baby’s bottle. Even though the glass bottle may be cool to the touch, the milk could be very hot. Cases have been reported where babies have received severe burns from drinking liquids taken directly from a microwave oven. To avoid problems do not heat baby’s liquids in a microwave oven. If there are no alternative means, thoroughly shake the bottle to mix the contents and test its temperature against the skin after heating.
• Use only cooking containers designated as suitable for microwave cooking.
एक सेठ जी थे  -
जिनके पास काफी दौलत थी
सेठ जी ने अपनी बेटी की शादी एक बड़े घर में की थी
परन्तु बेटी के भाग्य में सुख  होने के कारण उसका पति जुआरीशराबी निकल गया.  
जिससे सब धन समाप्त हो गया
बेटी की यह हालत देखकर सेठानी जी रोज सेठ जी से कहती कि आप दुनिया की मदद करते हो
मगर अपनी बेटी परेशानी में होते हुए उसकी मदद क्यों नहीं करते हो
सेठ जी कहते कि 
"जब उनका भाग्य उदय होगा तो अपने आप सब मदद करने को तैयार हो जायेंगे..." 
एक दिन सेठ जी घर से बाहर गये थे कितभी उनका दामाद घर  गया
सास ने दामाद का आदर-सत्कार किया और बेटी की मदद करने का विचार उसके मन में आया कि क्यों  मोतीचूर के लड्डूओं में अर्शफिया रख दी जाये... यह सोचकर सास ने लड्डूओ के बीच में अर्शफिया दबा कर रख दी और दामाद को टीका लगा कर विदा करते समय पांच किलों शुद्ध देशी घी के लड्डूजिनमे अर्शफिया थीदिये... 
दामाद लड्डू लेकर घर से चला,
दामाद ने सोचा कि इतना वजन कौन लेकर जाये क्यों  यहीं मिठाई की दुकान पर बेच दिये जायें और दामाद ने वह लड्डुयों का पैकेट मिठाई वाले को बेच दिया और पैसे जेब में डालकर चला गया
उधर सेठ जी बाहर से आये तो उन्होंने सोचा घर के लिये मिठाई की दुकान से मोतीचूर के लड्डू लेता चलू और सेठ जी ने दुकानदार से लड्डू मांगे...मिठाई वाले ने वही लड्डू का पैकेट सेठ जी को वापिस बेच दिया.  
सेठ जी लड्डू लेकर घर आये.. सेठानी ने जब लड्डूओ का वही पैकेट देखा तो सेठानी ने लड्डू फोडकर देखेअर्शफिया देख कर अपना माथा पीट लिया
सेठानी ने सेठ जी को दामाद के आने से लेकर जाने तक और लड्डुओं में अर्शफिया छिपाने की बात कह डाली... सेठ जी बोले कि भाग्यवान मैंनें पहले ही समझाया था कि अभी उनका भाग्य नहीं जागा... 
देखा मोहरें ना तो दामाद के भाग्य में थी और  ही मिठाई वाले के भाग्य में... 
इसलिये कहते हैं कि भाग्य से जयादाऔर... समय से पहले  किसी को कुछ मिला है और  मीलेगा!ईसी लिये ईशवर जितना दे उसी मै संतोष करो...
झूला जितना पीछे जाता हैउतना ही आगे आता है।एकदम बराबर।
सुख और दुख दोनों ही जीवन में बराबर आते हैं।
जिंदगी का झूला पीछे जाएतो डरो मतवह आगे भी आएगा।
बहुत ही खूबसूरत लाईनें.
.किसी की मजबूरियाँ पे  हँसिये,
कोई मजबूरियाँ ख़रीद कर नहीं लाता..!
डरिये वक़्त की मार से,बुरा वक़्त किसीको बताकर नही आता..!
अकल कितनी भी तेज ह़ो,नसीब के बिना नही जीत सकती..!
बीरबल अकलमंद होने के बावजूद,कभी बादशाह नही बन सका...!!
""ना तुम अपने आप को गले लगा सकते होना ही तुम अपने कंधे पर सर रखकर रो सकते हो एक दूसरे के लिये जीने का नाम ही जिंदगी है!
इसलिये वक़्त उन्हें दो जो तुम्हे चाहते हों दिल से!

रिश्ते पैसो के मोहताज़ नहीं होते क्योकि कुछ रिश्ते मुनाफा नहीं देते पर जीवन अमीर जरूर बना देते है🍆!!! "☝☝☝🌺🍀🌺

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