What is Fiscal Cliff - Will US Economy See Fall from Cliff
Rajesh Goyal
Knowledge Level 1 :
What is meaning of "Fiscal" and What is meaning of "Cliff"
"Fiscal Cliff" has been in news for quite some time now. The term in the last part of 2012 is being discussed in the context of USA and thus most of Indians do not understand this. Moreover, even the exact meaning of the word "cliff" is not known to Indians as we have few hills around us. So let us start with some fundamentals.
I think most of bankers understand the word "Fiscal". This means involving financial matters. We frequently use this like "Fiscal Year" and Fiscal Deficit". Thus, we will not waste further time on this word. Coming to second word "Cliff", which is more known to people who live in hills, it means "a steep, or overhanging face of the rock, especially at the edge of sea".
What is Fiscal Cliff : Towards the end of 2012 in USA, the Fiscal Cliff terms is hotly discussed. Fiscal Cliff here refers to the economic effects that could result from (a) tax increases, (b) spending cuts and (c) a corresponding reduction in the US Budget deficit beginning in 2013, if the existing laws are not changed by the end of 2012.
Interestingly, there are number of scheduled measures in the US economy which are to take effect from beginning of January 2013. If these measures are allowed to take place, the deficit in US budget (we know deficit is the difference between what the government takes and what is spends) is likely to be reduced by almost half beginning the first days of 2013. This kind of sudden fall in deficit in a short period of time is known as "fiscal cliff".
Knowledge Level 2 :
What are the Components That Are Likely to Precipitate Fiscal Cliff :
We give below some of the major components relating to revenue and spending measures that are set to expire or take effect from beginning of January 2013, and can have cascading effect on the US Economy : -.
(A) Revenue Increases
- (1) (2001/2003/2010 Tax Cuts & AMT Patch. This series of legislation are popularly called the "Bush tax cuts," are going to expire on December 31, 2012, resulting in higher taxes on all income tax rates (e.g. the top bracket of taxes will go from 35 to 39.6 percent), as well as rates on estate and capital gains taxes. Similarly, the alternative minimum tax (AMT) will too automatically apply to millions more citizens.
- (2) Payroll Tax Cut. The Social Security payroll tax holiday will expire 31st December 2012, raising the rate from 4.2 to 6.2 percent.
- (3) Other Provisions. Several other policies such as the Research and Experimentation tax credit, many of which are typically enacted retroactively, are also to expire by end of 2012..
- (4) Affordable Care Act Taxes. Some provisions in the Obama health-care legislation, including increased tax rates on high-income earners, are set to take effect in January 2013.
(B) Spending Cuts :
- (i) Budget Control Act. The automatic spending cuts or sequester legislated by the Budget Control Act of 2011 will expire at the beginning of January 2012 itself. Half of the scheduled annual cuts ($109 billion/year from 2013-2021) will come directly from the national defence budget, half from non-defense. However, some 70 percent of mandatory spending will be exempt.
- (ii) Extended Unemployment Benefits. The eligibility to begin receiving federal unemployment benefits, last extended in February, 2011, too will expire by the end of 2012;.
- (3) Medicare "Doc Fix." The rates at which Medicare pays physicians will decrease nearly 30 percent on December 31.2012
Knowledge Level 3 :
Impact of Fiscal Cliff i.e. If no action is taken and legislations are allowed to expire :
What is worrrying the US analysts and economists is that federal government allowed the above two events to proceed (revenue increase and spending cuts) as planned, they could have a detrimental effect on an already shaky US economy. The results can lead even sending the economy back into an official recession as it cut household incomes, increased unemployment rates and undermined consumer and investor confidence. At the same time, it was predicted that going over the fiscal cliff would significantly reduce the federal budget deficit.
There are wild talks that in case Congress and President Obama do not act to avert this perfect storm of legislative changes, USA will,"fall over the cliff." Among other things, it will mean a tax increase the size of which has not been seen by Americans in 60 years. The Tax Policy Center estimates that middle-income families are likely to pay an average of $2,000 more in taxes in 2013. Many itemized deductions will be subject to phase-out, and popular tax credits like the earned income credit
Bright Side of the Fiscal Cliff :
Certainly there are few who feel Fiscal Cliff would have a long-term positive impact. These people argue that the U.S. has to certainly tackle its deficits at some point of time. It is better to bite the bullet at this stage and this initiative can prove a step the right direction. Although the short-term impact could be severe (recession in 2013), the bullish argument would hold that the long-term gains (lower deficits, lower debt, better growth prospects, etc.,) would be worth the short-term pains.
Rajesh Goyal
Knowledge Level 1 :
What is meaning of "Fiscal" and What is meaning of "Cliff"
"Fiscal Cliff" has been in news for quite some time now. The term in the last part of 2012 is being discussed in the context of USA and thus most of Indians do not understand this. Moreover, even the exact meaning of the word "cliff" is not known to Indians as we have few hills around us. So let us start with some fundamentals.
I think most of bankers understand the word "Fiscal". This means involving financial matters. We frequently use this like "Fiscal Year" and Fiscal Deficit". Thus, we will not waste further time on this word. Coming to second word "Cliff", which is more known to people who live in hills, it means "a steep, or overhanging face of the rock, especially at the edge of sea".
What is Fiscal Cliff : Towards the end of 2012 in USA, the Fiscal Cliff terms is hotly discussed. Fiscal Cliff here refers to the economic effects that could result from (a) tax increases, (b) spending cuts and (c) a corresponding reduction in the US Budget deficit beginning in 2013, if the existing laws are not changed by the end of 2012.
Interestingly, there are number of scheduled measures in the US economy which are to take effect from beginning of January 2013. If these measures are allowed to take place, the deficit in US budget (we know deficit is the difference between what the government takes and what is spends) is likely to be reduced by almost half beginning the first days of 2013. This kind of sudden fall in deficit in a short period of time is known as "fiscal cliff".
Knowledge Level 2 :
What are the Components That Are Likely to Precipitate Fiscal Cliff :
We give below some of the major components relating to revenue and spending measures that are set to expire or take effect from beginning of January 2013, and can have cascading effect on the US Economy : -.
(A) Revenue Increases
- (1) (2001/2003/2010 Tax Cuts & AMT Patch. This series of legislation are popularly called the "Bush tax cuts," are going to expire on December 31, 2012, resulting in higher taxes on all income tax rates (e.g. the top bracket of taxes will go from 35 to 39.6 percent), as well as rates on estate and capital gains taxes. Similarly, the alternative minimum tax (AMT) will too automatically apply to millions more citizens.
- (2) Payroll Tax Cut. The Social Security payroll tax holiday will expire 31st December 2012, raising the rate from 4.2 to 6.2 percent.
- (3) Other Provisions. Several other policies such as the Research and Experimentation tax credit, many of which are typically enacted retroactively, are also to expire by end of 2012..
- (4) Affordable Care Act Taxes. Some provisions in the Obama health-care legislation, including increased tax rates on high-income earners, are set to take effect in January 2013.
(B) Spending Cuts :
- (i) Budget Control Act. The automatic spending cuts or sequester legislated by the Budget Control Act of 2011 will expire at the beginning of January 2012 itself. Half of the scheduled annual cuts ($109 billion/year from 2013-2021) will come directly from the national defence budget, half from non-defense. However, some 70 percent of mandatory spending will be exempt.
- (ii) Extended Unemployment Benefits. The eligibility to begin receiving federal unemployment benefits, last extended in February, 2011, too will expire by the end of 2012;.
- (3) Medicare "Doc Fix." The rates at which Medicare pays physicians will decrease nearly 30 percent on December 31.2012
Knowledge Level 3 :

Impact of Fiscal Cliff i.e. If no action is taken and legislations are allowed to expire :
What is worrrying the US analysts and economists is that federal government allowed the above two events to proceed (revenue increase and spending cuts) as planned, they could have a detrimental effect on an already shaky US economy. The results can lead even sending the economy back into an official recession as it cut household incomes, increased unemployment rates and undermined consumer and investor confidence. At the same time, it was predicted that going over the fiscal cliff would significantly reduce the federal budget deficit.
There are wild talks that in case Congress and President Obama do not act to avert this perfect storm of legislative changes, USA will,"fall over the cliff." Among other things, it will mean a tax increase the size of which has not been seen by Americans in 60 years. The Tax Policy Center estimates that middle-income families are likely to pay an average of $2,000 more in taxes in 2013. Many itemized deductions will be subject to phase-out, and popular tax credits like the earned income credit
Bright Side of the Fiscal Cliff :
There are wild talks that in case Congress and President Obama do not act to avert this perfect storm of legislative changes, USA will,"fall over the cliff." Among other things, it will mean a tax increase the size of which has not been seen by Americans in 60 years. The Tax Policy Center estimates that middle-income families are likely to pay an average of $2,000 more in taxes in 2013. Many itemized deductions will be subject to phase-out, and popular tax credits like the earned income credit
Bright Side of the Fiscal Cliff :
Certainly there are few who feel Fiscal Cliff would have a long-term positive impact. These people argue that the U.S. has to certainly tackle its deficits at some point of time. It is better to bite the bullet at this stage and this initiative can prove a step the right direction. Although the short-term impact could be severe (recession in 2013), the bullish argument would hold that the long-term gains (lower deficits, lower debt, better growth prospects, etc.,) would be worth the short-term pains.
What is the Fiscal Cliff?-------By Thomas Kenny,
“Fiscal cliff” is the popular shorthand term used to describe the conundrum that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect.
Among the laws set to change at midnight on December 31, 2012, are the end of last year’s temporary payroll tax cuts (resulting in a 2% tax increase for workers), the end of certain tax breaks for businesses, shifts in the alternative minimum tax that would take a larger bite, the
end of the tax cuts from 2001-2003, and the beginning of taxes related to President Obama’s health care law. At the same time, the spending cuts agreed upon as part of the debt ceiling deal of 2011 will begin to go into effect. According to Barron's, over 1,000 government programs - including the defense budget and Medicare are in line for "deep, automatic cuts."
In dealing with the fiscal cliff, U.S. lawmakers have a choice among three options, none of which are particularly attractive:
- They can let the current policy scheduled for the beginning of 2013 – which features a number of tax increases and spending cuts that are expected to weigh heavily on growth and possibly drive the economy back into a recession – go into effect. The plus side: the deficit, as a percentage of GDP, would be cut in half.
- They can cancel some or all of the scheduled tax increases and spending cuts, which would add to the deficit and increase the odds that the United States could face a crisis similar to that which is occurring in Europe. The flip side of this, of course, is that the United States' debt will continue to grow.
- They could take a middle course, opting for an approach that would address the budget issues to a limited extent, but that would have a more modest impact on growth.
Can a Compromise be Reached?
The oncoming fiscal cliff is a concern for investors since the highly partisan nature of the current political environment could make a compromise difficult to reach. This problem isn’t new, after all: lawmakers have had over a year to address this issue, but Congress – mired in political gridlock – has largely put off the search for a solution rather than seeking to solve the problem directly. Republicans want to cut spending and avoid raising taxes, while Democrats are looking for a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. Although both parties want to avoid the fiscal cliff, compromise is seen as being difficult to achieve – particularly in anelection year. There's a strong possibility that Congress won't act until the eleventh hour. Another potential obstacle is that the next Congress won't be sworn in until January 3, after the deadline.
The most likely outcome is another set of stop-gap measures that would delay a more permanent policy change until 2013 or later. Still, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that if Congress takes the middle ground – extending the Bush-era tax cuts but cancelling the automatic spending cuts – the result, in the short term, would be modest growth but no major economic hit.
Possible Effects of the Fiscal Cliff
If the current laws slated for 2013 go into effect, the impact on the economy would be dramatic. While the combination of higher taxes and spending cuts would reduce the deficit by an estimated $560 billion, the CBO estimates that the policies set to go into effect would cut gross domestic product (GDP) by four percentage points in 2013, sending the economy into a recession (i.e., negative growth). At the same time, it predicts unemployment would rise by almost a full percentage point, with a loss of about two million jobs. A Wall St. Journal article from May 16, 2012 estimates the following impact in dollar terms: “In all, according to an analysis by J.P. Morgan economist Michael Feroli, $280 billion would be pulled out of the economy by the sunsetting of the Bush tax cuts; $125 billion from the expiration of the Obama payroll-tax holiday; $40 billion from the expiration of emergency unemployment benefits; and $98 billion from Budget Control Act spending cuts. In all, the tax increases and spending cuts make up about 3.5% of GDP, with the Bush tax cuts making up about half of that, according to the J.P. Morgan report.” Amid an already-fragile recovery and elevated unemployment, the economy is not in a position to avoid this type of shock.
The cost of indecision is likely to have an effect on the economy before 2013 even begins. The CBO anticipates that a lack of resolution will cause households and businesses to begin changing their spending in anticipation of the changes, possible reducing GDP before 2012 is even over.
The Term "Cliff" is Misleading
It's important to keep in mind that while the term “cliff” indicates an immediate disaster at the beginning of 2013, this isn't a binary (two-outcome) event that will end in either a full solution or a total failure on December 31. There are two important reasons why this is the case:
1) If all of the laws went into effect as scheduled and stayed in effect, the result would undoubtedly be a return to recession. However, Congress continues to work toward a deal that will alleviate the effects in some form.
2) Even if the deal does not occur before December 31, Congress can - and almost certainly will - act to change the scheduled laws retroactively to January 1 after the deadline.
At the same time, even a "solution" isn't necessarily positive, since a compromise will likely involve higher taxes or reduced spending in some form - both of which would help reduce the debt, but would be negative for economic growth.
With this as background, it's important to keep in mind that the concept of "going over the cliff" is largely a media creation, since even a failure to reach a deal by December 31 doesn't mean that a recession and financial market crash would necessarily occur.
The Next Crisis
Unfortunately, the fiscal cliff isn't the only problem facing the United States right now. At some point in the first quarter, the country will again hit the "debt ceiling" - the same issue that roiled the markets in the summer of 2011 and prompted the automatic spending cuts that make up a portion of the fiscal cliff. To learn more about this issue, see my article
Obama outlines fiscal cliff-deficit
By Deirdre Walsh, Dana Bash and Tom Cohen, CNN
December 22, 2012 -- Updated 1455 GMT (2255 HKT)
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama spoke separately
Friday with Speaker John Boehner and the top Senate Democrat to try to salvage
a fiscal cliff deal by the end of year, after Republican disarray in the U.S.
House put the negotiations in limbo.
In a previously unscheduled statement to reporters, Obama
outlined a possible agreement that he said would include protecting
middle-class Americans from a tax hike, extending unemployment benefits and
setting a framework for future deficit reduction steps.
He called on Congress to pass the agreement after a
Christmas break so he can sign it before the end of the year, when the fiscal
cliff arrives in the form of automatic tax increases and deep spending cuts.
"Laws can only pass with support from Democrats and
Republicans," Obama said in urging both sides to compromise
The president planned to fly with his family to Hawaii on
Friday night for the holiday and return to Washington after Christmas, while
House and Senate members also headed home with plans to return on December 27
if needed.
Boehner's spokesman said the speaker will be "ready to
find a solution that can pass both houses of Congress" when he returns to
What failure on fiscal deal means for troubled Boehner
While congressional leaders continued to bicker Friday over
the next step, the president's phone discussion with Boehner and a White House
meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid signaled an attempt to provide
the nation and investors with hope that an agreement can be reached.
An aide to Reid said the short-term proposal to avoid the
fiscal cliff should include extending tax cuts for middle-class families and
unemployment insurance while delaying the automatic spending cuts set to take
effect in the new year.
Obama acknowledged what had become obvious: the broader
deficit reduction deal he seeks will likely come in stages, rather than in the
so-called grand bargain he and Boehner have been negotiating.
The main issue of disagreement continued to be taxes,
specifically whether rates should go up on top income brackets for the
wealthiest Americans as part of an agreement to reduce the nation's chronic
federal deficits and debt.
Without a deal, the fiscal cliff could trigger a recession,
economists warn. Stocks closed down sharply on Friday over the latest impasse
in the deficit talks, a sign of investor fears of a slowdown as the nation
slowly continued to emerge from recession.
Before leaving town, Boehner puts fiscal cliff onus on Obama
Earlier Friday, Reid called for House Republicans to quickly
approve a Senate plan championed by Obama that would extend tax cuts for family
income up to $250,000 while allowing rates to return to higher levels of the
1990s above that threshold.
His Republican counterpart, Sen. Mitch McConnell of
Kentucky, responded that the Senate should instead take up a House Republican
measure extending the tax cuts for everyone as a temporary move before
negotiations next year on broader tax reform.
The GOP revulsion over any kind of tax rate increase has
stymied deficit negotiations for two years and led to unusual political drama,
such as McConnell recently filibustering his own proposal and Thursday night's
rebuff by House Republicans of an alternative tax plan pushed by Boehner, their
Boehner said at a news conference Friday that his Republican
colleagues refused to back his plan, which would have extended all tax cuts
except for income over $1 million, because of fears of being blamed for a tax
"They weren't taking it out on me," he said.
"They were dealing with the perception that somebody might accuse them of
raising taxes."
The lack of backing by his own caucus was a political blow
to Boehner and raised more questions than answers about what happens next in
the tough negotiations with Obama on either a broad deficit reduction agreement
or a smaller step to avoid the fiscal cliff.
A breakdown of Boehner's miscalculation on Plan B
A senior Democratic Senate source said scenarios under
consideration by the party include trying to work out short-term or
comprehensive agreements now, or going into next year -- and over the fiscal
cliff -- without a deal to quickly pass a compromise plan in the new Congress
that convenes on January 3.
Waiting until next year would make the vote a tax cut from
the automatic higher rates that will take effect under the fiscal cliff,
instead of the current situation of extending some cuts and having top rates go
up, the source noted.
In addition, Democrats will have two more seats in the new
Senate and a stronger House minority, as well as increased pressure on
Republicans to keep taxes low on middle class Americans, according to the
Three possible scenarios Democrats may pursue
Trying to hammer out a deal now means working with limited
time and stronger Republican contingents in both chambers, the source said.
Boehner made clear Friday that the negotiations with Obama
on a broad deficit reduction agreement hit an impasse this week when both sides
offered their "bottom line" positions that included major concessions
-- but remained a few hundred billion dollars apart.
With his alternative plan torpedoed by his own party,
Boehner said it now is time for Obama and Senate Democrats to come up with a
Boehner also denied a reporter's suggestion that he is
walking away from further talks, but he offered no timetable or mechanism for
resuming discussions.
In the Senate, Reid said all House measures on the fiscal
cliff so far have failed to meet the minimum demands of Obama, such as wealthy
Americans paying more to prevent an increased burden on middle-class families.
"I like John Boehner, but gee whiz, this is a pretty
big political battering that he has taken," Reid said, calling on the
speaker to allow a vote on the Senate-passed Obama plan. "It will pass.
Democrats will vote for it. Some Republicans will vote for it. That is what we
are supposed to do."
On Thursday night, the House passed a measure that would
reduce the impact of the fiscal cliff's automatic spending cuts on the
However, the chamber then went into recess when it was clear
Boehner lacked the votes for his separate tax plan that maintained cut rates on
income up to $1 million.
Conservatives opposed to any kind of increase in tax rates
refused to sign on, and with Democrats unified in their opposition, the measure
had no chance of passing.
Fallout from fiscal cliff inaction
"There was a perception created that that vote last night
was going to increase taxes. I disagree with that characterization,"
Boehner said Friday by way of explanation, adding that "the perception was
out there, and a lot of our members did not want to have to deal with it."
Reid had said the Senate would spurn the Boehner plan if it
passed the House, and Obama promised to veto it if it reached his desk.
According to Republican sources, the zero chance for Boehner's Plan B to
actually become law influenced some wavering House members to reject it.
Obama campaigned for re-election on extending the tax cuts
that date back to his predecessor's administration on income up to $250,000 for
families, but returning to higher rates on amounts above that threshold.
Some House Republicans have said they would join Democrats
in supporting the president's proposal in hopes of moving past the volatile
issue to focus on the spending cuts and entitlement reforms they seek.
The Plan B was significant because Republican leaders
previously insisted they wouldn't raise rates on anyone.
Boehner had complained Thursday that in making that
concession, he expected but never got significant concessions from Obama
He elaborated on the negotiations Friday, saying he told
Obama that his latest proposal made over the weekend was his bottom line.
Boehner said Obama told him the White House counterproposal Monday was the
president's bottom line.
Boehner also repeated his complaint that Obama and Democrats
were unwilling to address the spending cuts and entitlement reforms that he
considers necessary to properly address the nation's chronic federal deficits
and debt.
"What the president has proposed so far simply won't do
anything to solve our spending problems," Boehner said, noting that
"because of the political divide in the country, because of the divide
here in Washington, trying to bridge these differences has been
CNN Poll: Are GOP policies too extreme?
In his statement Friday, Obama said he had compromised at
least halfway on major issues, and that both sides have to accept they will not
get all they want.
The possibility of a fiscal cliff was set in motion over the
past two years as a way to force action on mounting government debt.
Now legislators risk looking politically cynical by seeking
to weaken the measures enacted to try to force them to confront tough questions
regarding deficit reduction, such as reforms to popular entitlement programs
such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Polling has consistently shown most Americans back the
president, who insists wealthy Americans must pay more, rather than Boehner and
his Republican colleagues, who have balked at tax rate hikes and demanded
spending cuts and entitlement program reforms.
A new CNN/ORC International survey released Thursday showed
that just over half of respondents believe Republicans should give up more in
any solution and consider the party's policies too extreme.
Opinion: Boehner leading GOP to the apocalypse
The two sides seemingly had made progress earlier this week
on forging a $2 trillion deficit reduction deal that included new revenue
sought by Obama and spending cuts and entitlement changes desired by Boehner.
The president's latest offer set $400,000 as the income
threshold for a tax rate increase, up from his original plan of $250,000. It
also included a new formula for the consumer price index applied to some
entitlement benefits, much to the chagrin of liberals.
Called chained CPI, the new formula includes assumptions on
consumer habits in response to rising prices, such as seeking cheaper
alternatives, and would result in smaller benefit increases in future years.
Statistics supplied by opponents say the change would mean
Social Security recipients would get $6,000 less in benefits over the first 15
years of chained CPI.
Liberal groups sought to mount a pressure campaign against
including the chained CPI after news emerged this week that Obama was willing
to include it, calling the plan a betrayal of senior citizens who had
contributed throughout their lives for their benefits.
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