Friday, October 18, 2013

Health Benefits of Lemon (Nimbu)

Health Benefits of Nimbu (Lemon)
  • Lemon is largely used for relieving digestive tract problems such as nausea, heartburn and parasites. It works best when the juice is diluted with hot water. Lemon juice contains properties that help in alleviating indigestion symptoms like heartburn, bloating and belching.

  • Lemon in water is a wonderful remedy for people with heart problems owing to its high potassium content. By controlling increased levels of blood pressure and dizziness, the fruit of the lemon brings relaxation to the mind and body. In addition, it is known to reduce mental stress and depression.

  • Amongst other health benefits, lemonade (lemon pulp mixed in water) boasts of providing a quick solution to weight loss. Diluting lemon juice with lukewarm water and honey is a popular choice.

  • Lemon juice finds a place for itself in dental care as well. Applying fresh lemon juice on the areas of toothache provides relief. Massaging it on the gums stops bleeding and removes bad odour.

  • The juice from lemon acts as a cooling agent and is thus used to reduce any burning sensations on the skin. Besides, it speeds up the process of fading scars. Any hardened surface on the skin can be dissolved or softened by applying the liquid on it.

  • Respiratory and breathing problems are also cured with lemon juice. Being a rich source of vitamin C, it helps in dealing with asthma.  

  • Due to its aromatic and antibacterial properties, lemon juice is extremely useful for foot relaxation.

  • It is an excellent fruit for fighting throat infections and tonsillitis owing to its healing nature.

  • Being a natural antiseptic, lemons are proven to eliminate skin problems such as wrinkles and blackheads, thereby rejuvenating the skin and enhancing the glow on the skin. Daily consumption of lemon water acts as an anti-ageing remedy.

  • Lemon juice has the natural ability to stop any kind of internal bleeding. People suffering from frequent nasal bleeding can apply lemon juice on a cotton swab to minimize blood flow.

  • Lemon is also recommended to patients with a high amount of uric acid, urinary tract infections and other kidney related ailments due to their diuretic property.
Nutritional Value & Calories In Lemon 
Amount: 1
Total Weight: 83 g
Basic Components 
Proteins0.96 g
Water72.5 g
Ash0.33 g
Phytosterols10 mg
Total Calories20
Calories From Carbohydrate19
Calories From Fat2.1
Calories From Protein3.1
Total Carbohydrates8.3 g
Dietary Fiber3.1 g
Sugar2.1 g
Fats & Fatty Acids 
Total Fat250 mg
Saturated Fat32 mg
Monounsaturated Fat9.2 mg
Polyunsaturated Fat74 mg
Omega-3 Fatty Acids22 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids53 mg
Vitamin A22 IU
Vitamin C54 mg
Vitamin E125 mcg
Vitamin B679 mcg
Thiamin38 mcg
Riboflavin25 mcg
Niacin125 mcg
Folate9.2 mcg
Pantothenic Acid176 mcg
Calcium36 mg
Iron542 mcg
Magnesium8.3 mg
Phosphorus13 mg
Potassium118 mg
Sodium2.1 mg
Zinc67 mcg
Copper124 mcg
Manganese25 mcg
Selenium0.33 mcg
How many calories in lemons (per 100 gm)
Lemons have about 24 calories per 100 gm of weight

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